CDs | Recordings
March 2022 Release of new CD
Volker Blumenthaler "Nachspiele"
Works for Violoncello and Piano (in joint Cooperation with Bavarian Radio's station "BR-KLASSIK")
Uta Walther (Piano), Volker Blumenthaler (Violoncello), hofa-media
More information:
Contemplation composed together
Introversion is the predominant impression when listening to the works of composer Volker Blumenthaler, himself performing on the cello together with his accompanist Uta Walther. Both of them are working here partly as soloist, partly together as a duo. With their fragmentary form these minimalist sound structures allow ample freedom for associations and memories. The carefully sculptured musical thoughts are often of Webernian brevity, immaculately demonstrated, for example, in the ten Miniatures with the non-title "OT" (“Ohne Titel” = "Untitled"). The "Nachspiele" (“Postludes”) for piano and cello are musical commentaries on poetic texts, written in the manner of the instrumental epilogues found in some of Schubert's Lieder. "Innehalten" “Pausing”) is, at nineteen minutes, the longest composition on the CD and consists of a loose sequence of musical reflections separated by long pauses – providing the listener with time to linger and listen to the oscillations still echoing in their consciousness. In a way Blumenthaler has incorporated the idea of reflection on what has been heard into his cycle of tightly packed pieces. The actual passing of time and contemplative consciousness thus form a fertile contradiction – one that uncloses an additional dimension to the way things are perceived.
Max Nyffeler, MusikTexte 173 - Mai 2022, 95: Beckmesser's Choice. Selected new works available on disc
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August 2013 Release of new CD
„Australian Landscapes, English Gardens...“, Piano Music by Vivienne Olive
Uta Walther, Piano (in joint Cooperation with Bavarian Radio’s station
Xolo CD 1032 |
"...The works played with refreshing ease and brilliance by Uta Walther show that it is still possible to use "normal" techniques to coax new forms of expression from the piano. The two centrepieces are the piano cycles, "The Dream Gardens" and "Five Australian Landscapes". These are delicately woven piano miniatures which demonstrate nature's infinite variety in a rich tapestry of colours and forms."
Max Nyffeler, neue musikzeitung
("Five Australian Landscapes"): "....a gentle and empathetic performance by the German pianist, Uta Walther...."
Kristin Amme, Radio BR-Klassik
"...Uta Walther's interpretation of Vivienne Olive's music is characterised by an evocative transparency. The "Toccata e Fuga per Uta" (2011) with which the recital opens puts a seal on the congenial collaboration between composer and interpreter, both of whom combine in their work precision and imaginiative power."
Michael Herrschel, VivaVoce
"...The recordings made by the Nuremberg pianist in the "Kleine Meistersingerhalle" and the "Reitstadel" in Neumarkt bear evidence to the work of two strong women."
jv, Nürnberger Nachrichten
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„Von Bach bis zur Gegenwart“ („From Bach to the Present Day“)
Uta Walther, Piano
(Compulsory Piano Repertoire at German High Schools ) 2 CD’s
Musikon Records MK 34097011 |
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Uta Walther „Pianistische Dimensionen“
(Supplementary CD to „Von Bach bis zur Gegenwart“ with the addition of
„Sechs kleine Klavierstücke“ op. 19 and K.Stockhausen:
Klavierstück IX)
Musikon Records MK 34098011
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"Zeitreise mit der Geige"
Zsuzsa Zsizsmann (Violin) and Uta Walther (Piano)
(Violin Repertoire at German High Schools)
Volume 2 with 2 CD's incl. Piano Accompaniment
Musikon Records MK 34201702
Recordings for Bavarian Radio “Bayerischer Rundfunk”
Works by Georg Friedrich Händel/Granville Bantock, Claude Debussy, Igor Strawinsky, Bohuslav Martinu, Klement Slavicky, Paul Dessau, Lilo Martin, Gerhard Frommel, Gert Wilden sen., Helmut Bieler, Volker Blumenthaler, Vivienne Olive, Jörg Widmann.